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AST46HA I类1级防爆压力变送器和独立密封产品照片

The AST46HA is a 精度高防爆压力变送器, designed for use in a variety of applications. Applying digital compensation, this product offers top performance over a wide temperature range.
Utilizing 邦定技术?, the sensing element will measure 压力in the most extreme temperature conditions. Where other sensor technologies will freeze or boil, the AST46HA uses a one piece 不 钢 sensor 至 offer continuous operation.
If linearity 和 repeatability are critical for your application, this product will exceed your expectations at an affordable price. With 0.1%BFSL, the AST46HA 压力transmitter delivers repeatable, accurate measurements from zero through the full scale pressure.
This product is also certified 至 meet

